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ORACLE ADF (Application Development Framework)

Today I have spent my time to research how to learn ORACLE ADF quick as I can and here are some useful links I need to keep learning:

Description: video tutorial

Description: thread in oracle forum about JDeveloper and ADF video tutorial on the net.

#3: Ebook:

Quick Start Guide to Oracle Fusion Development: Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF (Osborne ORACLE Series)

Description: only 224 pages and it is not easy to find because it is copy right reserve and please used it just for self study I recommend you buy it on amazon (
) and read the real book would be better.
Links to download:

4# Oracle JDeveloper from Oracle official site:

5#: Summary of Oracle JDeveloper and ADF:

6#: ADF Application development tutorial on Scribe

7#: Website where you could find almost of all ebook you like:

Ok that is all! to be continued.....

Wish me luck!

JSP Basic - Lesson 3 - JSP Elements

There are 3 main JSP Elements:

  1. Scripting
  2. Directive
  3. Action
1. Scripting:
There are 3 items in scripting element:
  • Scriptlet: Where you place your java code inside JSP page
Ex: <%
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){

These are the same but do try to mix them in single jsp page because its scriptlet has different jspc to compile jsp page to servlet java page => it will confuse the server.

  • Declaration: when you want to declare a variable within class in jsp page but not inside the method in jsp page:
private int i =0;

private int i =0;

  • Expression: is used to display from java code inside jsp page to html page.

  1. Directive
There are number of directives and most of them are page directive and most of them are:
  • page import
<%@ page import = "" %>
< import = "" />


Just An Information

I will updat useful information as frequent as I could...


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