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Have you ever used MsBuild with Multi-core supported to boost the build speed of your projects (probably more than 100) to improve your productivity?

Have you ever used MsBuild with Multi-core supported to boost the build time of your projects (probably more than 100) to improve your productivity?

We can either build the whole solution or just specific project from Visual Studio using MsBuidl with Multi-Core supported.
I have used it for a while now I think already more than a year and happy with it.
We can print the output to VS's Build Output or print to console (I prefer the console.)
Using MsBuild to build our stuffs we can use Visual Studio at ease I knew that some environment that has less RAM might probably encounter an issue that when you build your projects/solution
from Visual Studio it just halted (or even the text/codes/tabs are mixed up when you are debugging) and you might really hate it! I do.
So using MsBuild I am happy with that so far. My productivity is better. I feel less stress when building a huge solution consisting more than 170 projects :).

To be continued, I will write a step by step on how to do MsBuild from VS.
Peace Out!

RENAME SQL SERVER database name in Multiple user mode with killing all users' session (FORCE RENAME))

*Note: it has to be run against database master (select on master -> new query or add use master)


While 1 = 1
    Set RowCount 1

  @id = spid
  Master..Sysprocesses P,
  Master..Sysdatabases D
  D.dbid = P.dbid

    IF @@rowcount = 0

    SELECT @msg = 'KILL ' + convert(char(8) ,@ID)
    Print @msg
    EXEC( @msg)


Alter database MYDATABASE
with rollback immediate

To run Batch Script as Administrator can be a little challenge.

Sometimes you need batch script to run as administrator:

There is 2 alternatives:
1- Convert your batch script to exe and make exe run as administrator:

2- Add another batch script to open your batch script as administrator:

For example:

ExecuteDBBlank.bat will execute DBBlankExecution.bat as administrator but it requires you to enter password administrator:

runas /noprofile /user:PC_NAME\Administrator C:\Users\COUK\Desktop\DBBlankExecution.bat

Where PC_NAME is your PC name and your main execution batch file can be located at any directory please update yours accordingly.

If we click on ExecuteDBBlank.bat it will ask you for Administrator password if you enter correctly DBBlankExecution.bat will be executed:

If you sometimes have to write some batch script (I do mainly for automation stuff) here is a very good complete DOS tutorial

If you are a fan of building Robot or maybe a fan of Arduino (I am.)

I recommended

The Arduino Starter Kit

Checking specific process listening on specific port

- Microsoft Start button + R
- Type CMD
- netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:PORT_NUM

*PORT_NUM is your port number.

Ex: netstat -aon | findstr 0.0:8080

Curently to activate license for monotouch per IMAC, you have to install later version of Xamarin which probably will come with Xamarin.IOS Framework that your existing IOS application is not supported

Curently to activate license for monotouch per IMAC, you have to install later version of Xamarin which probably will come with Xamarin.IOS Framework that your existing IOS application is not supported.
So how to activate license for monotuch per IMAC without having to install Xamarin.

Here is the work around (so-called Offline Activation

1- Install Xamrin and activate the IMAC
2-   Go to Finder and Hold down Ctrl Key on Go Menu in Finder and you will see Library
3-  Click on Library and go to Library\Monotouch\ And back up License.v2
4- Erase HD, Redownload Lion OS, Re-install, and Clone Co-worker’s HD using Migration/Assistance tool so that you do not have to re-install
all the applications again
- Then past the back up of License.v2 under Library\Monotouch\ and It compliles successfully now.
There you go! try to compile your project now.

Remark of the issues that leads to the solution above:
- If we do not activate the monotouch per IMAC we will get error - mtouch exited with code 98
that means you have not activated your monotouch on your MAC system.
- If you add reference to dll Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.dll in your project mainly for client/server database Synchronization:
after you install later version of Xamarin to activate your IMAC you might get errors  "is marked as an override but no suitable method found to override" on Methdo ApplyChange(...) which is an abstract method
on Base class ClientSynProvider
public abstract SyncContext ApplyChanges (
SyncGroupMetadata groupMetadata,
DataSet dataSet,
SyncSession syncSession

Following the solution I have mentioned got rid of these issues.

Fixing Bugs vs Working on Product Features

Being a software engineering, we always wish to be part in a challenging projects balancing with bug fixing. Fixing bugs on daily basis will at least improve software's engineering knowledge but if compared to software engineering working mainly on production features; of course, they will learn a lots more than just fixing bugs.
However, the positive points of SE got from working on fixing the bugs are:
- Improve patient.
- Improve their judgment (a good SE in fixing bug, he or she is not immediately starting to debug he or she will first try to understand the flow of the code and then judge and debug.)
- Improve their understanding about the productions' functionality much more because he or she will have fixed bugs in various areas of the application with in turn help them understanding in those areas.
Fixing bugs somehow SE will run into a feature-like bugs but as said working with features is more interesting , exciting, self-improvement and last but not least gains a vast of knowledge.

Word of the day

1- Bees Knees (adj):
In Eng: very good, the best...
In Khmer: ល្អណាស់, ល្អជាងគេ
The pants you are wearing are the bee's knees.
That jazz band is the bees knees.
Her cooking is the bees knees.

Reason of the creation of this word:
"When bees flit from flower to flower the nectar sticks to their legs. The phrase "bee's knees" means sweet and good, because the knees of the bee are where all the sweet, good stuff is collected."

"នៅពេលឃ្មុំហើរយ៉ាងលឿនពីកន្លែងមួយទៅកន្លែងមួយទឹកដមផ្កាស្អិតជាប់ជើងរបស់ពួកេវា។ឃ្លា"bee's knees(ជង្គង់ឃ្មុំ)មានន័យថាផ្អែមហើយល្អពីព្រោះជង្គង់ឃ្មុំគឺជាទីកន្លែងជាតិផ្អែមនឹងរបស់ល្អៗត្រូវបានប្រមូល"

2- Nectar (n):
In Eng: A sugary fluid secreted by plants, esp. within flowers to encourage pollination by insects and collected by bees to make honey.
In Khmer:


Just An Information

I will updat useful information as frequent as I could...


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