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Word of the day

= you use profound when you want to emphasize that something is great and intense.
Syn = great; strong
= in Khmer (unicode): ជ្រៅ, ជ្រាលជ្រៅ
Ex: His death was a profound shock to all of us. He was so young and healthy.
Ex: ការស្លាប់របស់គាត់គឺជាការភ្ញាក់ភ្អើលដ៏ខ្លាំងមួយសំរាប់ពួកយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា​ព្រោះគាត់នៅក្មេងហើយមានសុខភាពល្អទៀត។

Up-coming posts

Dear all,
at the up-coming , I would like to post:

1- The episode of Naruto videos season 1(8 episodes) and its manga stories with Illustrations.
2-Tutorial about the most popular social network: Twitter (
3- The trick to prevent a dangerous attack of recent viruses, trojans and other malware by yourself and by some useful applications

So please wait for the moment: this weekend I would post soon since there are many stuffs to do at my workplaces....

Yours sincerely,
Ck, IT developer (
See you soon!!!

English Learning 30 September 2009

English Learning 30 September 2009

1- turn a blind eye (to someone or something)
to ignore something and pretend you do not see it
In Khmer: ធើ្វមិនឃើញ

2- brothel
: A brothel is a building where men pay to have sex with prostitutes
In Khmer: ផ្ទះបន

evict evicts evicting evicted
: If someone is evicted from the place where they are living, they are forced to leave it, usually because they have broken a law or contract.
They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs.
In the first week, the city police evicted ten families.
If you don't keep up payments you could be evicted.
In Khmer: បណេ្តញចេញ

someone who commits crime or any other immoral or harmful act.
In Khmer: ជនឧក្រិត

For cheet sheet HTML 5 PDF please downloa via this link:
HTML5 is the next major revision of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the core markup language of the World Wide Web. The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) started work on the specification in June 2004 under the name Web Applications 1.0.
HTML5 is the proposed next standard for HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 and DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML5 has been said to become a game-changer in Web application development, making obsolete such plug-in-based rich Internet application (RIA) technologies as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX.
The ideas behind HTML5, originally referred to as Web Applications 1.0, were pioneered in 2004 by the WHATWG; HTML5 incorporates Web Forms 2.0, another WHATWG specification. The HTML5 specification was adopted as the starting point of the work of the new HTML working group of the W3C in 2007. The working group published the First Public Working Draft of the specification on January 22, 2008.The specification is an ongoing work, and is expected to remain so for many years, although parts of HTML5 are going to be finished and implemented in browsers before the whole specification reaches final Recommendation status.The editors are Ian Hickson of Google, Inc. and David Hyatt of Apple, Inc.
Word of the day: TO INVOLVE
Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: What does the job involve? Will I have to travel a lot?
Ex 2.: Schools involve parents in their children education.

Its definitions:
1-​ If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it.
Ex: Vicheka's job as a public realtions director involve spending quite a lot of time with other people.
2- If a situation or activity involves someone, they are taking part in it.
Ex: a riot involving a hundred protesters.
3- If you say that someone involves themselves in something, you meanthat they take part in it, often in a way that is unnecessary or unwanted.
Ex: I seem to have involved myself in something I do not understand.
4- If you involve someone else in something, you get them to take part in it.
Ex: Dara and I do everything together, he involves me in everything.
5- If one thing involves you in another thing, especially something unpleasant or inconvenient, the first thing causes you to do or deal with the second.
Ex: A late booking of a room in a hotel may involve you in extra cost.

Word of the day by

Words of the day

Treasury (n)= Government department that deals with the country's finances.
Reckless (adj) = if you say that someone is reckless, you mean that they act in a way which shows that they do not care about the danger and how their behaviour effects other people's feeling. (mean that someone that is taking risk without thinking about the danger.)
Recklessness(n) = the act of reckless.
Below board level = when you say someone in the company below the board level, you mean that they are under the executive of the company.
Notorious (adj) = well-known or famous of bad things.
Toxic (adj) = poisonous.

Word of the day: 23 July 2009

Phrasal-Verb-Dictionary-ESL PDF

Hey English learning if you would like to have a phrasal verb dictionary in PDF and here you are:


Source: or or

WinDev is an integrated development environment (IDE), first published by PC SOFT in 1993, which is based upon a run-time engine (framework). It uses a Fourth-generation programming language known as WLanguage. The tools enables you to predetermine a set of your own standard forms and algorithms that can be used in an automated fashion to quickly generate applications (RAD). The source code is precompiled and interpreted at run time like Visual Basic, Java or C#. This makes the executable program independent from the operating system and allows dynamic compilation as well as instant testing during development. WinDev was originally conceived as a CASE tool for writing Windows applications but now WinDev applications can also be targeted to run on Linux with the notable limitation of being restricted to console mode applications.
WinDev is a development environment aimed at quickly developing data-centric applications. Its integrated set of editors makes it very easy and quick to develop prototypes that can then be converted into full-fledged applications. WinDev can generate applications in Java along with standard applications or applications for the .NET platform. It supports procedural as well as object-oriented programming paradigms.
Its companion products, WebDev and WinDev Mobile, share the same concepts as well as the same programming language (WLanguage). They respectively are used for building web sites and applications for mobile devices (Smartphones, Pocket PC, industrial devices, etc.) The same source code may be used to build applications that will run on different platforms. WinDev offers a number of control centers where developers can manage source code (check-in/checkout, versioning), track bugs, set QA tests, and so on. WinDev comes with its own integrated DBMS, Hyper File, but also supports most commercial databases through ODBC, OLE DB or native access.

windev office website in usa.


My sample student registration application I just recently developed:

Please click the pictures to see full length pictures.
I will upload this sample application next week 02 March 2009 + its source code. :D

Words of the day 18 February 2009

***Be sworn in as:
Officially made as ... (it is mainly used with word "President or Prime Minister".
Ex: Barack Obama is sworn in as the first African-American President of United States (the 44th).
***Inclusive government:
a government which includes members from different political parties.
***Inclusive (adj):
all kind of...
***Take the plunge:
It means: if you take the plunge, you decide to do the thing that you consider difficult or risky.
Ex: My CEO asks me to go to France for Work. However, I have many good choices to be in Phnom Penh. Finally, I have taken the plunge.
***Arch (adj):
1- if you say someone is arch, you are criticizing them for talking or behaving as if they are better or more important than others.
2- (of person) highest in rank or authority or position.
***Arch rival (n):
an especially bad enemy.
***Cabinet (n):
a small group of important people elected to government.

***scepticism (n):
doubt (+negative feeling (disbelief))
***transitional arrangement (n):
a temporary situation.
Ex. The 2009 election was in the transitional arrangement.
***constitution (n):
the system of laws of one country (a set of political principles).
***political detainee (n):
people who are in a prison for political reasons.
***daunting (adj)
something that is daunting make you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.
(extremely difficult)


Please click the map for full size view :D.

Cambodia Maps

Cambodia Map

Cambodia Map: Large

Cambodia Map: Simple

Cambodia: Overland Travel
Cambodia: Provinces
Cambodia: Road Map of Southern Coast

Area Surrounding Phnom Penh

Western Cambodia: Remote Temples

Tonle Sap Lake Map
Province Maps

Cambodia with provinces
Banteay Meanchey
Kampong Cham
Kampong Chhnang
Kampong Speu
Kampong Thom
Municipality of Kep
Koh Kong
Municipality of Pailin
Municipality of Phnom Penh
Oddar Meanchey
Preah Vihear
Prey Veng
Siem Reap
Municipality of Sihanoukville
Stung Treng
Svay Rieng

Conficker Worm/Virus, Removal and Prevention

Conficker worm is considered to be one of the most widespread infections today considering the announcement of an anti-virus company that it already infects 9 million PC world wide. This virus, which is also known as Downup, Downandup and Kido, utilizes autorun.inf in USB sticks/flash drives to spread plus injecting itself through the network shares and to the registry of the Windows system via the vulnerability of the Windows operating system with no security patches prior to October 2008. Conficker was first detected last October 2008 and in just a small span of time, it already infected a lot of computers around the world. UK Ministry of Defense and various hospitals from Sheffield reported that they were infected by this wild Conficker worm.

Windows family of OS is the only target of this worm from Windows 2008, Vista to XP Home and Professional edition. According to Microsoft Support, to prevent such infection of this virus, operating system installed prior to October 2008 should be updated to the recent security patches provided by Microsoft. Recent maliscious software removal tool of Microsoft can detect and remove this infection. However, if the system is already infected, it prevents you to access security related website thus disallowing you to access Microsoft Support page and other anti-virus websites that can help you remove this infection. You need to remove it manually or via an anti-virus program from another computer. Microsoft Support at provided a step-by-step instruction on how to remove the infection manually.

Latest news about this worm said that the payload of Conficker is still about to come and just waiting for it to be activated. The high-tech culprit behind this is not yet traced but being tracked down by authorities. What the security experts scared about this infection now is that the possibility that someone might discover the activation of this worm and the uncertainties on how many computers can be accessed by hackers with full administration rights. Companies and organizations around the world that uses a unupdated operating systems are in danger of this security issue and should act on this immediately.

If you want to avoid/prevent this kind of infection to your PCs using Microsoft’s OS, make sure that you always update the system with the security patches from them. It will only take a minute to do that and it will be for the best of your system so you should provide time for it. If you neglect it, you might lost a lot of things. Be aware and be updated. Get a security patch always! :)

For related news and stories about Conficker, just visit the following sites:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Hi everybody if you like reading harry potter and here is the new episode :D
Please download here:

A Tale of Two Cities A story of the French Revolution by Charles Dickens

Here is the link to download this ebook which I already uploaded for khmer people and others.


Just An Information

I will updat useful information as frequent as I could...


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