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Have you ever used MsBuild with Multi-core supported to boost the build speed of your projects (probably more than 100) to improve your productivity?

Have you ever used MsBuild with Multi-core supported to boost the build time of your projects (probably more than 100) to improve your productivity?

We can either build the whole solution or just specific project from Visual Studio using MsBuidl with Multi-Core supported.
I have used it for a while now I think already more than a year and happy with it.
We can print the output to VS's Build Output or print to console (I prefer the console.)
Using MsBuild to build our stuffs we can use Visual Studio at ease I knew that some environment that has less RAM might probably encounter an issue that when you build your projects/solution
from Visual Studio it just halted (or even the text/codes/tabs are mixed up when you are debugging) and you might really hate it! I do.
So using MsBuild I am happy with that so far. My productivity is better. I feel less stress when building a huge solution consisting more than 170 projects :).

To be continued, I will write a step by step on how to do MsBuild from VS.
Peace Out!


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