- 1- Gul·li·ble
- adjective /ˈgələbəl/
- Easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
- ដែលឆាប់ជឿ
- (easily tricked, credulous, naive, simple.)
- ដែលងាយជឿ, ដែលឆាប់ជឿ
- 2- Hood·lum
noun /ˈho͞odləm/ /ˈho͝od-/
hoodlums, plural
A person who engages in crime and violence; a hooligan or gangster
អ្នកប្រព្រឹត្ដនូវអំពើទុច្ចរិត, យូកូម, ក្មេងអានាថា, មនុស្សពាល, ចោរ, មនុស្សខូចកាច, មនុស្ស ចោលម្សៀត
= Thug
3- Mug
noun /məg/
mugs, plural
A large cup, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer
The contents of such a cup
- a large mug of tea vanished in a single gulp
A person's face
A hoodlum or thug
A stupid or gullible person
mug ( n. ) [mLg ]
ពែង ឬ កែវធំមានដៃ
(a large vessel for use without a saucer, contents, the face or mouth, a ruffian or thug, a stupid or gullible person.)
ថូ, ផើង់
mug (2) ( n. )
គយ, មាត់មុខ
mug (3) ( t.v. )
muger ( n. )
muggins ( n. ) ['mLgInz ]
muggy ( adj. ) ['mLgI ]
(oppressively damp and warm.
Eg. the muggy days of August)
4- sau·cer
noun /ˈsôsər/
saucers, plural
A shallow dish, typically having a circular indentation in the center, on which a cup is placed
ទ្រនាប់, ចានទ្រនាប់
5- Chirp
verb /CHərp/
chirped, past participle; chirped, past tense; chirping, present participle; chirps, 3rd person singular present
(typically of a small bird or an insect) Utter a short, sharp, high-pitched sound
- outside, the crickets chirped monotonously
(of a person) Say something in a lively and cheerful way
- “Good morning!” chirped Alex
noun /CHərp/
chirps, plural
A short, sharp, high-pitched sound
chirp ( iv. )
tv. យំចេបៗ ( បក្សីតូចៗ ) / យំ , បន្លឺសំឡេងឫសូរបន្ដិចៗ n. សម្លេងយំស្រែក , សំឡេងយំ
chirpy ( adj. )
6- Sa·li·va
noun /səˈlīvə/
Watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion
saliva ( n. ) [sE'laIvE ]
(the watery fluid, produced by glands in the mouth, It keeps the mouth moist and helps in the digestion of food.)
salivary ( adj. ) [sxlIvErI ]
(1. Of, relating to, or producing saliva. 2. Of or relating to a salivary gland.)
7- salivate ( t.v. ) ['sxlIveIt ]
(salivated, salivating, salivates) (To secrete or produce saliva. To produce excessive salivation in.)
= drool ( t.v. ) [drUl ]
5- Chirp
verb /CHərp/
chirped, past participle; chirped, past tense; chirping, present participle; chirps, 3rd person singular present
(typically of a small bird or an insect) Utter a short, sharp, high-pitched sound
- outside, the crickets chirped monotonously
(of a person) Say something in a lively and cheerful way
- “Good morning!” chirped Alex
noun /CHərp/
chirps, plural
A short, sharp, high-pitched sound
chirp ( iv. )
tv. យំចេបៗ ( បក្សីតូចៗ ) / យំ , បន្លឺសំឡេងឫសូរបន្ដិចៗ n. សម្លេងយំស្រែក , សំឡេងយំ
chirpy ( adj. )
6- Sa·li·va
noun /səˈlīvə/
Watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion
saliva ( n. ) [sE'laIvE ]
(the watery fluid, produced by glands in the mouth, It keeps the mouth moist and helps in the digestion of food.)
salivary ( adj. ) [sxlIvErI ]
(1. Of, relating to, or producing saliva. 2. Of or relating to a salivary gland.)
7- salivate ( t.v. ) ['sxlIveIt ]
(salivated, salivating, salivates) (To secrete or produce saliva. To produce excessive salivation in.)
= drool ( t.v. ) [drUl ]
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